Chancel Choir
Our Chancel Choir is a group of 22 adult singers who enjoy SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) anthems and singing at the 10:30 AM Service. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7PM and is always seeking new members.
The Chancel Choir also presents two concerts per year, the Patriotic Concert in May and a special afternoon or evening offering at Christmas.
Bell Choir
The Jubilate Bells were formed in 1989 when two octaves of bells were purchased with money from the Cory J. Smith Memorial Fund, established by his parents, Phil and Janet Smith. A third octave was purchased in 1990 by Kathryn Snyder in memory of her sister, June, and nephew, Dr. Bud Lyons. Later, Richard Teets, Sr. donated a fourth octave in honor of his grandchildren Jeffry, Joel, and Lindsay Ritschel and Elizabeth, LeClaire, and Christopher Teets. Hand chimes were purchased in 2004 from the Betty Brown Memorial Fund.
The Jubilate Bell Choir, directed by Justin McClure, rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6PM.